Impact Area
- Communities
- Community engagement
- Compliance
- Environmental sustainability
- Gender balance & diversity
- Individuals & Families
- Nutrition
- Planet
- Rural development
- Water
Nestlé Malaysia is the regional manufacturer for infant cereal, the key ingredient of which is red rice that is prevalent in Sarawak. We partnered with Malaysian Agricultural Research & Development Institute (MARDI), the Agricultural Research Centre (ARC) Sarawak and the Sarawak Department of Agriculture in this contract farming scheme.
Value to Society
- - New income opportunities for the hard-core poor farmers in the local community > Poverty alleviation
- - Transfer of technology and technological know-how
- - Exposes farmers to Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), safe and sustainable farming methods
- - Farmers improve their yield and quality of crops
Value to Nestlé
- - Sourced locally, lowering cost
- - Red rice produced meets requirements of traditional method for our products
- - Enhanced raw material upstream traceability