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To us, responsible sourcing means paying attention to critical social, environmental, economic and animal welfare issues when obtaining raw ingredients. Our goal in responsible sourcing is to ensure that our products do not result in harmful practices such as deforestation, and to ensure that human rights are respected.

To achieve our goals, all upstream suppliers and third parties that we are in business with must adhere to the Nestlé Responsible Sourcing Standard (RSS), which provides a clear set of requirements that enable us to minimise our environmental footprint and safeguard the planet’s resources, while creating a sustainable long-term supply of raw ingredients.

As per the requirements of the RSS, all our suppliers are assessed via the global Suppliers Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX) platform. SEDEX provides information related to labour practices, health and safety, environmental impact and business impact by which potential suppliers can be evaluated.

Nestlé Cocoa Plan

Nestlé Cocoa Plan was implemented to enhance the livelihoods of cocoa-growing communities in Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana, by addressing prevalent challenges such as low incomes for farmers, as well as preventing child labour and gender inequality. We provide resources for farmers within our cocoa supply chain to manage their farms in a sustainable manner. By incorporating best practices, the farmers can harvest top quality sustainable cocoa, which is used in Nestlé confectionery products, including Kit Kat bars.

In Malaysia, we are well on track to achieving 100% responsibly sourced cocoa by 2025, with 92% of our cocoa needs for confectionery products already fulfilled by certified sustainable sources in 2022. This includes our 100% sustainably produced, Malaysian-made KIT KAT products that are exported to regional markets such as Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Myanmar.

Nestlé Cocoa Plan

Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality Programme

Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality Programme  in collaboration with the Rainforest Alliance is designed and implemented specifically for Nespresso to ethically source the highest quality coffee beans. It also aims to establish long-term and direct relationships with coffee farmers from coffee growing regions around the world, to instil sustainable farming methods that enhance yields and quality of coffee beans as well as improving the livelihoods of farmers. To date, the programme has been implemented in 18 countries, working with over 140,000 farmers.

To date, 92.5% of Nespresso coffee sourced through the AAA Program.

Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality Programme