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Our role in society and CSV strategy is driven by Nestlé’s Global Leadership Team, comprising the Nestlé S.A. Board of Directors, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer (Group CEO and Executive Board). The Global Leadership Team is supported by internal management bodies and relevant Committees that determine our commitments and objectives. With sustainability at the core of Nestlé’s governance structure, we have a dedicated Sustainability Committee in place to lead focused and aligned actions towards achieving the global targets that the Company has set. These targets are then cascaded down to all markets including Nestlé Malaysia. 

At Nestlé Malaysia, the Sustainability Steering Committee is responsible for steering the Company’s CSV strategy and sustainability agenda. Under the stewardship and guidance of the CEO, strategic counsel is also provided by the Board to ensure that the Company’s CSV and sustainability strategy is well-aligned with long-term business targets. The Board also reviews the Company’s progress in achieving its commitments on a quarterly basis.
