Impact Area
- Communities
- Community engagement
- Compliance
- Environmental sustainability
- Gender balance & diversity
- Individuals & Families
- Nutrition
- Planet
- Rural development
- Water
Nestlé Malaysia is the regional manufacturer for infant cereals, the key ingredient of which is rice. We formed the Nestlé Paddy Club that aims to provide additional income to the paddy farmers in Kedah while bringing about environmental benefits through more efficient water usage and reduction of greenhouse gas emission, by the commercialisation of the Semi Aerobic Rice Intensification (SARI) method.
Value to Society
- - Increased income for farmers by improving yields and reducing costs
- - Transfer of technology and technological know-how
- - Exposes farmers to Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), safe and sustainable farming methods
- - Farmers improve their yield and quality of crops to meet global standards
- - Minimise environmental footprint of rice farming
Value to Nestlé
- - Rice harvested will be used by Nestlé to manufacture our infant cereals, thus guaranteeing a continuous supply of stable-priced, reliable, safe and traceable rice
- - Sourced locally, lowering cost