Impact Area
- Communities
- Community engagement
- Compliance
- Environmental sustainability
- Gender balance & diversity
- Individuals & Families
- Nutrition
- Planet
- Rural development
- Water
Globally, Nestlé made a "No Deforestation" commitment in 2010, the first of its kind by a food company. Through this pledge, we are making sure that all our products, including the raw materials we use, are not associated with deforestation. In addition, 2013 marked a milestone as Nestlé committed to using only Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Certified Palm Oil in its products, which cements our stand on obtaining only sustainably-sourced raw material within our supply chain. More information on our commitment may be obtained in our Commitment on Deforestation and Forest Stewardship (pdf, 205 Kb).
We at Nestlé are fully committed to the responsible sourcing of palm oil in our supply chain and to ensure that our suppliers comply with our Responsible Sourcing Guideline (RSG). Nestlé abides by stringent guidelines for Responsible Sourcing, and we believe that we need to rally all stakeholders such as palm oil smallholders and suppliers within our supply chain to ensure that we achieve our goals involving sustainable palm oil as one cohesive unit. Learn more about our Responsible Sourcing Guidelines for palm oil (RSGs) (pdf, 187 Kb).
On the local front, Nestlé Malaysia also supports the importance of sourcing responsibly through Project RiLeaf, a tree planting initiative by the banks of Kinabatangan to ensure co-existence of flora (mainly palm oil) and fauna in the area. Project Upleaf is another initiative driven by Nestlé Malaysia, where we assist local oil palm smallholders obtain RSPO certification in order to create a sustainable supply chain.
Read more about our Global Commitment towards Sustainable Palm Oil here.