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Nestlé Healthy Kids Teacher’s Seminar

Nestlé Healthy Kids Teacher’s Seminar

dr norimah
Dr. Norimah A. Karim from NSM shared about nutritional issues in Malaysia and healthy eating habits for disease prevention. seminar
The seminar provided the teachers with updates on the development of the Nestlé Healthy Kids programme.

The Nestlé Healthy Kids (NHK) programme and its partner, Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM) hosted a teacher’s seminar in SK Seri Selangor on 29th September 2012. SK Seri Selangor is one of the schools under the NHK programme. The seminar was part of NHK’s plan to promote awareness on Nutrition & Healthy Lifestyle, apart from sharing current status and results of the NHK programme with the teachers. A BMI screening session was conducted for the teachers, followed by a welcome speech by the principal of SK Seri Selangor, Mr Lim Eng Tai. The seminar began with the first topic about Nutritional Issues in Malaysia which presented by Dr Norimah A Karim from NSM. Dr Zawiah Hashim continued the seminar by sharing healthy eating habits for disease prevention. An overview of the HKP programme was presented by president of NSM, Dr Tee E Siong. At the end of the seminar, results of individuals BMI screening done earlier, was given back to the teachers. The teachers were then treated to a healthy meal for lunch.