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Nestlé¹ Malaysia's Anti-Corruption, Gifts and Entertainment Guidelines (For Customers & Suppliers)
English | Bahasa Malaysia
Nestlé is committed to conduct its business with integrity
In line with that commitment, Nestlé has developed its Anti-Corruption, Gifts and Entertainment Guidelines (“Guidelines”). As a service provider or customer of Nestlé, you must comply with the terms of this document for your activities involving Nestlé.
1. Nestlé condemns any form of bribery or corruption. Customers and service providers shall take all measures to prevent corrupt practices in its dealings with Nestlé.
2. In addition, customers and suppliers shall not-
(a) offer or provide, directly or through any intermediaries, any bribe, gift, reward, consideration, favour or any other advantage, whether material or immaterial (“Advantages”) to any representative of Nestlé for the purpose of-
(i) influencing them to act contrary to Nestlé’s interest; or
(ii) obtaining or rewarding favourable treatment by Nestlé with respect to the terms, conditions, price or performance of a contract;
(b) offer or provide Advantages which might be considered a bribe under international legislation, to a government official, either in Malaysia or any other country;
(c) collude with other parties to preclude or compromise dealings with Nestlé. The customers and suppliers also undertake to report to Nestlé, through its official reporting channels stipulated below, any such attempts made by others to involve the customers and suppliers in acts of collusion against Nestlé; or
(d) instigate third parties to perform actions pertaining to the above.
3. Customers and suppliers will ensure that all their employees, sub-contractors or agents are aware of and comply with the provisions in this document.
4. Customers and suppliers shall ensure that they adhere to the following-
(a) Any gift must be unsolicited and not affect, or be perceived as affecting, business judgment. Gifts should only be offered to and received in connection with a customary business or cultural occasion. Cash, loans, kickbacks or the equivalent advantages are absolutely prohibited.
(b) Gifts must not exceed RM150 and in any event, must not occur more than 3 times a year with the same person.
(c) No gift must be given to government officials on Nestlé’s behalf.
Hospitality (meals and entertainment)3
(d) Hospitality must be unsolicited and not affect, or be perceived as affecting, business judgment. Meals and entertainment should only be offered to and received from the Nestlé representative dealing with the customer or service provider in their role in Nestlé, is for purposes supported by Nestle and may only be offered in conjunction with legitimate business meetings, conferences or events hosted, supported or sponsored by Nestlé. They may never be provided on a stand-alone basis.
(e) Hospitality must not exceed RM120 (for non-management), RM200 (for managers and executives) and RM250 (for senior managers and above) and in any event, must not occur more than 3 times a year with the same person. Spouses or other guests of the invitee must not be included.
Scholarships, grants, charitable contributions and non-commercial sponsorships
(f) Nestlé may offer this to support the advancement of knowledge in science, nutrition, healthcare, or to support other socially beneficial purposes. This shall be in the form of Nestlé products. Cash donations are not permitted unless in exceptional circumstances.
(g) All requests must be made by well-established organisations on their official letterhead to Nestlé’s Group Corporate Affairs, regardless of value.
Facilitation Payments
(h) Must never make or use third parties to make an unofficial payment in order to secure or expedite routine administrative actions, such as customs clearances, visas, permits or licenses.
(i) If you receive a request for a facilitation payment, you must immediately report such request to Nestlé.
Political Contributions
Please note that Nestlé has adopted a global policy prohibiting Nestlé affiliates from making political contributions to political parties or candidates.
1 Nestlé means and includes Nestlé Products Sdn. Bhd., its holding, subsidiary and related companies, Wyeth Nutrition (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., Purina Petcare (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., Cereal Partners (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. and National Regional Service Centre (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
2Gifts means any gifts received from and given to customers or suppliers
3Hospitality (meals and entertainment) means meals and entertainment received from and given to customers or suppliers
2Gifts means any gifts received from and given to customers or suppliers
3Hospitality (meals and entertainment) means meals and entertainment received from and given to customers or suppliers
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