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With more than 110 years of nourishing Malaysians by increasing access to nutritious and high-quality foods, in 2023, Nestlé established a transformative`Good For You’ global strategy centred on fostering healthier, more resilient communities. This long-term commitment stems from Nestlé’s ambition of providing tasty, balanced diets for present and future generations, while driving positive, sustainable change in global nutrition.

The `Good For You’ strategy rests on two strategic pillars:

  1. Portfolio & Products
    • Focus on improving nutritional value of Nestlé’s extensive product portfolio which includes innovating and renovating products to increase levels of key micronutrients, optimise nutritional profiles and provide healthier plant-based product options, along with nutritional solutions that support healthy ageing.
  2. Communication Services
    • Guiding and encouraging consumers towards balanced diets and healthier lifestyles through effective communication and engagement initiatives.

Tastier and Healthier Choices

Offering foods and beverages that are more nutritious and with natural ingredients
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Communication and Services

Encouraging responsible consumption and nutritious choices
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Nestlé for Healthier Kids

Empowering parents, caregivers and teachers to foster healthy lifestyles in children
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Read our Nestlé in Society report

Our other ambitions