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Nestlé Community Kindergarten

Impact Area

  • Communities
  • Community engagement
  • Compliance
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Gender balance & diversity
  • Individuals & Families
  • Nutrition
  • Planet
  • Rural development
  • Water
Pre-school Education in Sabah

Nestlé believes that access to pre-school education is important, as a good foundation will shape and set the path for a child’s future. Since 2005, we have been working with Raleigh International, supporting rural communities by building kindergartens for pre-school children in East Malaysia. Raleigh International, a UK based sustainable development charity is an organisation that strives to help people from diverse backgrounds and cultures discover their full potential.

Funded and equipped by Nestlé, the construction of the pre-school facility is made possible with the help of Raleigh volunteers and local villagers. Funds are used to pay for the cost of construction, sponsorship of Raleigh volunteers and in-kind sponsorships for the volunteers.

Pre-school Education in Sabah

Raleigh acts as a project manager and technical expert for these projects and also provides volunteers - the main sources of manpower to build the kindergartens. Raleigh also helps to identify the areas which have the highest need for pre-school facilities in terms of remoteness of the village, number of young children as well as the schooling facilities in surrounding areas.

They provide assistance with the initial planning stages of the project, which includes assessment of the village and also in identifying and training the teachers to ensure the sustainability of the project.

Together, Nestlé and Raleigh have successfully built 11 kindergartens:

  • Kg. Liu, Pitas, 2005
  • Kg. Paus, Pitas, 2007
  • Kg. Mapan-Mapan, Pitas, 2009
  • Kg. Lingka Bugan 2, Pitas, 2011
  • Kg. Terian, Sugud, 2012
  • Kg. Saguon, Tongod, 2006
  • Kg. Keranaan, Ranau, 2008
  • Kg. Maliau Layung, Pitas, 2010
  • Kg. Sonsogon Magandai, Pitas, 2011
  • Kg. Bonor, Sook, 2013
  • Kg. Togudon, Donggongon, 2013

Value to Society

Good education will improve the quality of life of the village community in a sustainable way. This will in turn impact upon the socio-economic growth of the country

Value to Nestlé

  • - Demonstrates Nestlé’s commitment towards helping achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals: To achieve universal primary education (goal No.2)
  • - Strengthening relationships with local communities and NGO partners (Raleigh International)
  • - Enhancing our reputation as a good corporate citizen, helping to address issues in rural development