Nestlé Malaysia was recently voted one of top three most attractive employers at the Randstad Award
2016. The Company was awarded with an attractiveness score of 64.35%.
The Randstad Award is presented to the most attractive employer in more than 20 countries across the
globe. The 2016 edition of the award will cover 25 countries. Consisting of over 200,000 respondents which
covers 75% of the global economy, the winner is based on the outcome of the world’s largest survey into
employer branding. It truly is the only award representing ‘the people’s choice’. The annual award, which
celebrated its 16th edition globally, was held for the first time in Malaysia.
75 largest companies were selected in each participating country, usually consisting of more than 1,000
employees. This list is presented to a representative cross section of relevant respondents based on
region, age and gender. In Malaysia, 4,504 potential employees and job-seekers between the ages of 18-
65 were surveyed and were asked to identify companies they recognise and indicate if they would like to
work for them. This is then followed up with an evaluation of attractiveness factors, such as salary, benefits,
work atmosphere and job content, for each of the companies.
Related Links: Careers @ Nestlé