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Nestlé Healthy Kids: Intervention Session Year 2

The Nestlé Healthy Kids (NHK) programme began its second cycle of the intervention session in March 2012 with the same school-going children from six selected schools who attended the first session last year. Divided into 6 topics, this year's session will focus on food consumption and learning about the food pyramid in more detail.


Conducted by a dedicated facilitator, each session (lasting between 45-60 minutes) will teach school-going children about nutrition and healthy lifestyle through presentations, games and simple interactive activities such as singing and passing the parcel. We believe that by engaging the same group of children through the 3 years programme, we will be able to really make a difference regarding their nutritional knowledge. We are monitoring their progress and looking forward to sharing the results with you at the end of the programme.

In addition to this, the NHK website has also been updated with new content and articles related to this year's module. You can visit the website at