Participants gained valuable tips on nutrition and health as they learnt the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

Dr. Zawiah Hashim from Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM) sharing nutritional facts and tips for maintaining good health.
On 21st September 2012, Nestlé invited an expert committee member from the Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM) to give a talk and share knowledge on basic nutrition related topics that concerns the average women, especially mothers in Malaysia.
The talk was organized for the PEWANIS members (Persatuan Wanita Setiu) and it was held at the Pink House in Kg. Mangkok, Setiu Terengganu. Dr Zawiah Hashim from NSM, gave an introduction to the Food Pyramid and shared nutritional facts that are vital for maintaining a good health.
Dr Zawiah Hashim also emphasised on the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle at a young age, which can be a valuable asset for a good life when they enter their senior years.