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Why We Support the WHO Code

Why We Support the WHO Code

Breast milk provides the best nutrition for baby. This is why Nestlé promotes the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommendation of exclusive breastfeeding starting within one hour after birth until a baby is six months old; followed by the introduction of nutritious complementary foods while continuing to breastfeed for up to two years and beyond..  It’s also why we celebrate World Breastfeeding Month every year in August.

Breastfeeding is the best, smart and cost effective. The protective effects of breast milk go far beyond its benefits during infancy and childhood. Breastfeeding is also one of the most effective ways to ensure child health and survival. It plays a role in reducing the risk of developing health conditions in later life such as obesity and diabetes. Whether a child is born in a high-income or low-income country, breastfeeding provides health benefits for both baby and mother.

Our dedication to the best nutrition for babies ensures we create welcoming breastfeeding environments also for our employees. The Nestlé Malaysia Charter strongly supports the WHO Code and the Malaysia Code of Ethics which aims to protect and promote breastfeeding. In upholding this commitment, the Company has established a comprehensive list of instructions, demanding of its employees’ strict adherence to the WHO Code and the Malaysian Code of Ethics in relations to infant formula marketing practices. This includes supporting breastfeeding in the workplace by having more than 200 breastfeeding rooms available to mothers globally.

Find out more about our commitments towards breastfeeding and make your pledge by using the hashtag #HelpMomsBreastfeed.