Nestlé would like to inform that a number of our employees were taken ill after consuming a meal prepared and provided by an external caterer at an event held in the courtyard of one of our premises.
We have always prioritised the health and safety of our people and are deeply concerned by this regrettable and distressing incident. We are doing all we can to ensure that those affected are getting the full support and medical care they need. Our management team has been visiting and reaching out to those affected.
We have lodged a report with the Ministry of Health and they are investigating the matter. The external caterer is also providing their full cooperation to determine the root cause of this.
Kejadian berkaitan Katerer Luar
Nestlé ingin memaklumkan bahawa sebilangan warga kerja kami telah jatuh sakit setelah menjamu makanan yang disediakan oleh katerer luar di majlis yang telah diadakan di luar kawasan salah sebuah premis kami.
Kesihatan dan keselamatan warga kerja kami adalah amat penting dan kami amat khuatir dengan kejadian yang merisaukan ini. Buat masa ini, kami terus memastikan mereka yang terlibat menerima rawatan yang terbaik. Pihak pengurusan kami juga telah melawat dan berada di sisi mereka yang terlibat.
Kami telah membuat laporan kepada Kementerian Kesihatan dan mereka sedang menjalankan penyiasatan. Katerer luar yang terlibat juga sedang memberi kerjasama agar punca kejadian ini dapat dikenalpasti.
About Nestlé Malaysia
Nestlé is the world’s largest food and beverage manufacturer. Headquartered in Switzerland, Nestlé is present in 189 countries around the world, and our 328,000 employees are committed to Nestlé’s purpose of enhancing quality of life and contributing to a healthier future. Our performance is driven by our Nutrition, Health and Wellness strategy. Since 1912, we have been nourishing Malaysians through our quality brands and products, whilst maintaining our Halal excellence and integrity. This is in line with our promise of delivering GOOD FOOD, GOOD LIFE to all. To learn more about how we have been nourishing Malaysians for over a century, do visit or our Facebook page at
For more information, please contact:
Immy Ooi
Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad
Tel: (+603) 7965 6729
Email: [email protected]
Joanne Lim or Yasmin Kadir
acorn communications
Tel: (+603) 7958 8348
Email: [email protected]