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Be Dazzled by Rubies

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Kuala Lumpur
Over 2000 Pledge to ‘Walk A Mile’ to Healthier Hearts

Someone once said, “You make a living by what you get; you make a life by what you give.” There is something so enchanting about the act of giving. Watching faces light up at the sight of beautiful gifts, no matter the occasion, is infectious and brings such joy to the giver. The most meaningful gift is more than just the gift itself; it is what the gift represents. Through a lifetime of joy, laughter, and triumphs, the simple act of giving is what we treasure.

In keeping with the heart of giving, Nestlé KIT KAT, a global leader in chocolate treats that revolve around sharing and is enjoyed by everyone, is introducing their very own premium chocolate, Nestlé KIT KAT Rubies.

Nestlé KIT KAT Rubies is designed for those who want to take a breath and have a break from ceaseless demands and mundane routines; to savour the finest life has to offer. Each gem of this chocolate is lovingly created with a rich chocolate truffle filling, crispy wafer centre, and pieces of hazelnut encased in silky smooth milk chocolate.

Every layer of this indulgent treat evokes a myriad of emotions – melded to form the sweetest of sensations. The chocolate truffle cream which is created together with some of the finest of ingredients brought in from Spain, rings true to precious time spent with loved ones – this sweet filling warms your heart like only your loved ones can.

From the crispy wafer centre that holds the entire treat together, to the crunchy caramelised roasted hazelnut pieces, this delight to one’s palate brings to mind the joy of life – although filled with different experiences, should still be shared with those dear to us.

The silky smooth milk chocolate shells that hold it all is akin to love that is shared; the sweet and the smooth all together. Topped off by only its beautiful, rich, crimson red wrapper packed into an elegant 2-tier box; these jewels are ready to be enjoyed with all who are dear to us.

Chocolate, with its 1,500 flavour compounds, is highly complex – allowing the consumer to delight in the intricate swirl of fruity, spicy, earthy, and sweet, flavours. The best part of chocolate is not simply eating it; it is the opportunity to share it. Chocolate has long since been associated with gifting – from aristocracies to everyday people presenting their loved ones with various forms of chocolate, it is a natural choice for celebrations of family, friendship, love, and romance.

Be it as a midnight treat, a fancy dessert, or a celebratory indulgence, enjoying every flavour of chocolate is all about appreciating and creating moments with your loved ones.

The most thoughtful and memorable gift one could ever think to receive, is what one should give. Nestlé KIT KAT Rubies stays true to the meaning of giving from the heart. An ideal gift for any occasion, it offers both the giver and receiver more fulfilling break moments together.

Celebrate with Nestlé KIT KAT Rubies. Have a break, have a KIT KAT.

About Nestlé KIT KAT

Created in 1935, KIT KAT became part of the Nestlé’s range of confectionery products in 1988 and grew to be the No.1 chocolate brand in Malaysia. Enjoyed by both the young and old, this light snack is exported to more than 11 countries in Asia.

Its familiar phrase, "Have a break, have a KIT KAT", aptly describes the enjoyment of the chocolate-coated wafers whenever one needs to take a breather; such as when one is in the midst of a heavy assignment. Delight in this sweet treat anytime, anywhere.

Here’s how to have a break, KIT KAT style:

  1. Push the wafer out of the red wrapper.
  2. Score your nail along the foil-wrapped wafer fingers.
  3. Break off a wafer finger at a time.
  4. Snap a wafer finger in half, and enjoy!

Press Release is issued on behalf of Nestlé KIT KAT Rubies by INK PR & Publications

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INK PR & Publications (Owned by Brainchild & Sputnik Communications Sdn Bhd)
Ms Aw Li-Ann | +6012 207 8285 | [email protected]
Ms Abygayle Brani | +6012 391 9450 | [email protected]

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