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Nestlé Partners with Yayasan Food Bank Malaysia

Aims To Help Provide Food to Over 50,000 B40 Families Annually
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Nestlé and Yayasan Food Bank Malaysia signed a Memorandum of Understanding, witnessed by YB Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution bin Ismail, Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs and Y.A.M. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Syed Anwar Jamalullail, Chairman, Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad. Also in attendance as signatories were Tuan Haji Ab Wahab bin Long, Chief Executive Officer, Yayasan Food Bank Malaysia and Mr Juan Aranols, Chief Executive Officer, Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad.

As part of its commitment to aid food supply to underprivileged families, Nestlé Malaysia joined hands today with Yayasan Food Bank Malaysia which is spearheaded by the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, with the aim of providing Nestlé food products to more than 50,000 B40 families and the hardcore poor community across Malaysia.

The Food Bank Malaysia Programme was established in 22 December 2018 to help reduce the cost of living for local consumers, as well as to tackle food wastage. Surplus Nestlé products that are safe and edible will be collected and channelled through the Programme for distribution to lower income households, hardcore poor communities, welfare homes as well as to underprivileged university students through this new partnership with Nestlé and Yayasan Food Bank Malaysia.

YB Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution bin Ismail said, “In line with the Government’s Shared Prosperity Vision 2030, Food Bank Malaysia aims to ease the burden of low-income groups and address key challenges of sufficient food resources and adequate nutrition.

“It also allows us to play a role in tackling the global issue of food wastage. Malaysia is not spared from this, as our nation produces 3,000 tonnes of edible food wastage per day which could feed approximately 2.2 million people. As such, we are pleased to collaborate with Nestlé Malaysia to ensure that the programme continues meeting the needs of B40 families and hardcore poor communities while reducing food waste in the process,” he said.

Mr Juan Aranols commented, “Nestlé is committed to nourishing individuals and families and we are honoured to partner with Yayasan Food Bank Malaysia and help the B40 families and hardcore poor households in Malaysia have proper access to food supply.

“Through the programme, Nestlé will contribute surplus nutritious, high-quality products with the aim of nourishing more than 50,000 Malaysian families and youths every year, who live below the poverty line.”

“We strongly believe this is a sustainable way to give back to those in need, and share Yayasan Food Bank Malaysia’s commitment to proactively reduce food wastage,” he added.

Nestlé’s donation of surplus food and beverage products during this two-year partnership with Yayasan Food Bank Malaysia will include food products from MILO, NESCAFÉ, Nestlé Breakfast Cereals food products, and many more. Since its establishment two years ago, the Food Bank Malaysia Programme has benefited more than 476,250 households living below poverty lines nationwide.

For further enquiries, please contact Sekretrariat Food Bank Malaysia KPDNHEP:

Sekretariat Food Bank Malaysia
Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Pengguna

No. 13, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 2, 62623 Putrajaya
Tel: 03-88826887
Faks: 03-88825981 / 5941
Email: [email protected]

For more information, please contact:

Muhamad Hanif Bin Asa’ari
Timbalan Pengarah
Bahagian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, KPDNHEP
Tel: (+603) 8882 5704
E-mail: [email protected]

Maxine Lim
Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad
Tel: (+603) 7965 6650
Email: [email protected]

Kanjana Ilango or Alya Nurina
acorn communications
Tel: (+603) 7958 8348
E-mail: [email protected]

Latar Belakang

Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna (KPDNHEP) telah ditubuhkan pada 27 Oktober 1990. Matlamat penubuhan Kementerian adalah untuk menggalakkan pembangunan perdagangan dalam negeri yang berdaya maju, berdaya saing, dan berdaya mampan, khususnya di dalam sektor perdagangan pengedaran. Sektor perdagangan pengedaran adalah antara penyumbang utama KDNK negara dan ia bertindak sebagai benteng kestabilan ekonomi, terutama semasa situasi ekonomi luaran berada di dalam keadaan ketidaktentuan. Perdagangan pengedaran perlu kukuh bagi menampan sebarang ketidakstabilan dalam ekonomi negara.

Dalam masa yang sama, Kementerian juga komited dalam melindungi kepentingan dan hak-hak pengguna. Ini termasuk membangunkan ekosistem pengguna dan peniaga yang bersifat melengkapi dan ke arah self-regulated, seiring dengan aspirasi ke arah masyarakat negara maju. Ia diharapkan akan melahirkan pengguna dan peniaga yang matang dan beretika dalam berurusniaga, dan hasilnya adalah negara yang seimbang dari segi ekonomi dan sosial.

Agensi di bawah KPDNHEP :


About Nestlé Malaysia

Nestlé is the world’s largest food and beverage manufacturer. Headquartered in Switzerland, Nestlé is present in 189 countries around the world, and our 328,000 employees are committed to Nestlé’s purpose of enhancing quality of life and contributing to a healthier future. Our performance is driven by our Nutrition, Health and Wellness strategy. Since 1912, we have been nourishing Malaysians through our quality brands and products, whilst maintaining our Halal excellence and integrity. This is in line with our promise of delivering GOOD FOOD, GOOD LIFE to all. To learn more about how we have been nourishing Malaysians for over a century, do visit or our Facebook page at

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