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Taman Gelora

Taking a walk around Taman Gelora gives a feeling of serene; a park that is worthy of frequenting as it offers so much in a single place. From a lotus pond, to a lake; a casuarina forest to a sandy beach. The air at Taman Gelora is cooling most of the time, as there are shady trees along with a nice ocean breeze.

Despite its appeal, it is mostly visited by locals as it is not widely publicised. Getting there may also prove challenging as there are no busses and taxis aren’t as common as they are in KL. Its popularity among locals makes perfect sense as parking spaces are ample and the nearby seafood restaurant is rather acclaimed.
The park is well kept even though it is often frequented by many visitors. The water in the pond is crystal clear and although some uprooted trees line the path, they add a natural touch to the park. You can also find facilities like jungle gyms, stationary bikes and steel bars scattered around the park.

Right next to the lotus pond is a reflexology path and near the path is a platform where Tai Chi masters instruct in the morning.

At the moment, there is only one toilet situated at the entrance of the park. It is a good idea to bring along a bottle of water as there aren’t any watering fountains or nearby stalls. Remember to continuosly take sips of water during and after a walk to avoid dehydration which may cause fatigue.

While Taman Gelora may only provide bare essential facilities, it makes up for it with breathtaking scenery. If you get bored of walking around the park, the nearby beach offers solace with its gentle waves and wide horizon. So make it a point to complete your 10,000 step quota by walking along the path, or push yourself by jogging across the sandy beach.

Taman Gelora is a place that caters to those looking for a light exercise up to those who seek and intense workout. And best of all, at no cost whatsoever.