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Walk Your Way To A Healthier You

Let's start with perhaps the easiest way to kick-start your healthy regime: WALKING.

It tones muscles, strengthens the bones and is an all-round great cardiovascular workout suitable for all ages. So here are 3 simple yet effective ways to make walking a bigger part of your daily life.

Take the stairs. If you stay in an apartment block or work in a multi-storey office, take advantage of the stairs for a mini workout. It's easy, accessible and you can do it even if it rains.

Just plan ahead and allocate some time (20 minutes is all it takes!) to walk the stairs. Not only is it good for health, but it's also a great way to kick-start the morning.
When you need to run out to the store or go out to a nearby restaurant for dinner, try walking there instead of driving.

Even when you're taking your children to the nursery, kindergarten or school, consider a morning walk if it's close by. It's also a great way to get young children into the habit of walking.
This is a great one for the whole family. Most Malaysian dinners end with everyone retreating into different rooms or sitting in front of the TV until it's bedtime.

Why not encourage everyone to take a leisurely walk around the neighbourhood after-dinner instead? It's a much healthier after-dinner plan and it’s also a great way for a little family bonding.
  • Always wear comfortable shoes and socks.
  • Wear loose fitting, lightweight, comfortable clothing.
  • Stick to places you're familiar with - choose busy and well-lit areas.
  • Cool down your muscles at the end of your activity by decreasing your pace before stopping.
  • Stop if you feel any pain or discomfort.
*Calculations are estimated for women with an average weight of 54.5kg